Roadmap to Net-Zero GHG

The need to reduce maritime’s carbon footprint has led the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to adopt a GHG strategy aimed at reaching net-zero by 2050. 

Foreship’s Roadmap to Net-Zero GHG infographic describes the measures merchant ship owners & operators can take to reduce their vessels’ GHG emissions towards decarbonization – and outlines the savings these measures could facilitate.

It shows, for example, that optimizing the hull and propulsion system – such as by installing an air lubrication system, improving the hull shape, or fitting propulsion improvement devices – can yield emissions savings of around eight percent. Meanwhile, maximizing the energy utilization of onboard machinery and auxiliary systems – e.g., air conditioning and heating, shaft generators, and boilers – can cut GHG emissions by a further five percent. Alternative energy sources, such as shore power, wind assisted ship propulsion, and battery energy storage systems, can further reduce GHG emissions by up to five percent.

Foreship’s team of energy efficiency experts supports shipowners & operators with advice, evaluation, and implementation for all these solutions to meet sustainability targets now and in the future. Talk to us to hear how we can help.

Click on the image to find out more (also available as a download in the Infographics section).

See infographic